Versele Laga Mariman Breeding Super Power
Versele-Laga Mariman Breeding Super Power is a top quality traditional breeding mixture that is highly varied. This mixture contains small maize which is ideal for breeding couples as well as youngsters.
A wide variety of ingredients reduces the risk of nutrient deficiencies occurring thus resulting in healthier, stronger birds.
Red Super Power Maize 10%, White Pigeon Wheat 10%, Toasted Soya Beans 10%, Maple Peas 10%, White Dari 10%, Cardy 9%, Milo 7%, Extra French Cribs Maize 7%, Little Green Peas 6%, Dun Peas 6%, Peeled Oats 3%, Peeled Barley 3%, Paddy Rice 2%, Mung Beans 2%, Black Sunflower Seed 2%, Maria Thistle Seed 1%, Yellow Linseed 1% & Yellow Millet 1%