Back 2 Nature
Back 2 Nature Bedding 10L
Back 2 Nature Bedding is a fantastic bedding and litter product suitable for all types of small animals including rabbits and guinea pigs, birds, reptiles and ferrets. Back 2 Nature is a uniquely formulated pelleted litter from 100% recycled paper, with no additives or chemicals. It is an ideal replacement for the traditional wood shaving cage dressing. It is cleaner and easier to clean out than other traditional beddings and litters, it is better for animal welfare and great for the environment too. It is dust free, extremely absorbent and, unlike some other paper based litter products, holds its form when 'wet' and takes moisture away from the surface helping to prevent from soggy paws or bits of soggy litter sticking to fur. With absolutely no additives or chemicals used during processing Back 2 Nature is totally inert, clinically clean and sterile and therefore completely 100% safe for all types of animals. In addition, Back 2 Nature is both 100% natural and 100% organic with superior odour control capabilities. It is 100% biodegradable too, and makes great garden mulch - what more could you wish for in a litter? The pellets are quite compact so not easy to nibble